Authoring Content in Markdown

CelestialDocs supports the full range of Markdown syntax in .md files as well as frontmatter YAML to define metadata such as a tilte and description.


You can modify individual pages in CelestialDocs by setting values in their fromtmatter. Frontmetter is set at the top of your files between --- separators.

title: Sample

Page content goes here, after `---`.

Every page must include at least a title. See the frontmatter reference for all available fields and how to add custom fields.

Inline styles

Text can be bold, italic or strikethrough.

Text can be **bold**, _italic_ or ~~strikethrough~~.

You can link to another page.

You can [link to another page](/getting-started).

You can highlight inline code with backticks.

You can highlight `inline code` with backticks. 


Images in CelestialDocs use Astro’s built-in optimized asset support.

Markdown and MDX support the Markdown syntax for displaying images that includes alt-text for screen readers and assistive technology.

An illustration of planets and stars featuring the word “astro”

![An illustration of planets and stars featuring the word “astro”](

Relative image paths are also supported for images stored locally in your project.

A kitty in space

![A kitty in space](../../../assets/KittyAstronaut.svg)


You can structure content using a heading. Headings in Markdown are indicated by a number of # at the start of the line.

How to structure page content in CelestialDocs

CelestialDocs is configured to automatically use your page title as a top-level heading and will include an “Overview” heading at top of each page’s table of contents. We recommend starting each page with regular paragraph text content and using on-page headings from <h2> and down:

title: Markdown Guide
description: How to use Markdown in CelestialDocs

This page describes how to use Markdown in CelestialDocs.

## Inline Styles

## Headings

Using headings in Markdown will automatically give you anchor links so you can link directly to certain sections of your page:

title: My page of content
description: How to use CelestialDocs's built-in anchor links

## Introduction

I can link to [my conclusion](#conclusion) lower on the same page.

## Conclusion

`` navigates directly to my Introduction.

Level 2 (<h2>) and Level 3 (<h3>) headings will automatically appear in the page table of contents.

Learn more about how Astro processes heading ids in the Astro Documentation.


This is a blockquote, which is commonly used when quoting another person or document.

Blockquotes are indicated by a > at the start of each line.

> This is a blockquote, which is commonly used when quoting another person or document.
> Blockquotes are indicated by a `>` at the start of each line.

Code blocks

A code block is indicated by a block with three backticks ``` at the start and end. You can indicate the programming language being used after the opening backticks.

// Javascript code with syntax highlighting.
var fun = function lang(l) {
  dateformat.i18n = require('./lang/' + l);
  return true;
// Javascript code with syntax highlighting.
var fun = function lang(l) {
  dateformat.i18n = require('./lang/' + l);
  return true;


Details (also known as “disclosures” or “accordions”) are useful to hide content that is not immediately relevant. Users can click a short summary to expand and view the full content.

Use the standard HTML <details> and <summary> elements in your Markdown content to create a disclosure widget.

You can nest any other Markdown syntax inside a <details> element.

Where and when is the Andromeda constellation most visible?

The Andromeda constellation is most visible in the night sky during the month of November at latitudes between +90° and -40°.

<summary>Where and when is the Andromeda constellation most visible?</summary>

The [Andromeda constellation](<>) is most visible in the night sky during the month of November at latitudes between `+90°` and `-40°`.


Other common Markdown features

CelestialDocs supports all other Markdown authoring syntax, such as lists and tables. See the Markdown Cheat Sheet from The Markdown Guide for a quick overview of all the Markdown syntax elements.