
CelestialDocs creates your site’s HTML pages from your content, offering flexible options through Markdown frontmatter. Additionally, CelestialDocs projects have complete access to Astro’s robust page generation tools. This guide explains how page generation works in CelestialDocs.

Content pages

File formats

CelestialDocs supports authoring content in Markdown and MDX with no configuration required.

Add pages

Add new pages to your site by creating .md or .mdx files in src/content/docs/. Use sub-folders to organize your files and to create multiple path segments.

Type-safe frontmatter

All CelestialDocs pages share a customizable set of frontmatter properties that control their appearance:

title: Sample
author: hyperoot
pubDatetime: 2024-04-09T12:00:00-05:30
modDatetime: 2024-08-01T12:00:00-05:30 
description: 'Sample description'
draft: true
- anything
- you
- want

A snippet template is also included with this project if you are using vscode. Just type docs in any .md or .mdx file and you will see a suggestion for a template named docs. Most of the frontmatter properties are commented. Uncomment them by removing #. For date and time we use standard date-time string format.